
Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Long time no post...

Well the inevitable has happened, I've neglected my blog.

A couple of reasons, life has been very hectic recently, so I've had little spare time for blogging, and also progress has been slower on Mario than I'd have liked, so there's been little to show off on here.

That's not to say that nothing has happened though. I've fully adapted my map editor from pacman for Mario, including adding support for a background, allowing the user to add metadata and textures to multiple tiles at once, and even to stretch textures across multiple tiles if they form a rectangle, making it very flexible.

I've also designed a animation system that will allow the user to mix skeletal and traditional animations in the game easily, and an editor which takes in any textures for use in creating a animation frame, and outputs a sprite sheet alongside the character file to minimize texture swapping in game at run time.

Implementing the animation editor is well under way but I don't have any screen shots at the moment, hopefully I will by the weekend.

I have plenty of tips and pitfalls that I want to share that I've come across in the last month, but I'll hold off for now as I could write a blog post on each. (Note to self, write a post soon on tools programming in general!).

Anyway, this has just been to keep this blog alive, because I know if I don't post regularly it'll fall by the wayside, and that'd be a shame, because I hope one day someone out there might be interested in how I started out (even if no one reads thus right now!)

Til next time!